We are excited to tell you about an upcoming bird walk on Friday, July 8th at 630p – Flammulated Owls!
Professor Brian Linkhart will lead this fantastic tour on behalf of Aiken. This is often good timing for being able to see owlets and maybe even see them access their nests!
Because of the popularity of this walk, we’re going to make it available for registration on June 1st at 8a. We will need to cap it at 12 people, so if you’re interested – mark your calendar for June 1st at 8a and email Melanie Helton at MHELTON016@gmail.com. Melanie will register the first 12 people that respond. Each person (email) may only register for 2 people.
We will meet at the Manitou Experimental Forest (MEF) and the hike details will be provided to you once you’ve been confirmed. Please note that we will be hiking in the dark through some rugged terrain and angled slope without headlamps or flashlights. If this doesn’t excite you, please don’t register!
We kindly request a $25 donation per person, cash or check made payable to Aiken; 100% supports Dr. Linkhart’s ongoing research. If you are in need of partial scholarship to cover this donation, please let me know.
I will be checking with the twelve confirmed individuals two days beforehand to confirm. Please list your best contact information within the registration request. I will work a waitlist to ensure that we have a full group!